Smith Mountain Lake Mystery Writer

Contemplations from a quiet cove on Smith Mountain Lake.

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Location: United States

I'm a Southern gal who loves life, my husband and our family (which, to date, includes 13 grandchildren). I enjoy being with friends and family. But I also like being alone and thinking up plots for future books. I've published two novels, both mysteries, and I'm working on my third. For more about my books, visit me at If you ever hear me say, "I'm bored," please get me to the ER immediately! Paddling my kayak and snapping pictures of the critters I see relaxes me. Beach music has the opposite effect--when I hear those old "doo-wops" I want to dance.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

He's here!

After 14½ hours of fighting (and loads of prayer from his family and friends), our grandson Josiah arrived in this world at 2:15 the afternoon of September 5, 2007. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. Not unusual, you say. Right, my first child Bill’s cord was that way. But Josiah’s cord was twisted around his neck TWICE—had to be cut before he could exit the birth canal. We’re truly blessed to have him here.

Josiah is our daughter Christine's and son-in-law Daniel's eighth child, our 12th grand. Ron and I look forward to experiencing, enjoying and loving
him for many years. This precious baby weighed in at 8.3 pounds and was 21.2 inches long.

Josiah's new family is pictured above. What incredible times they will share. What memories they will make. How blessed they all are! And so am I. Welcome to this world, Josiah. Grandmother already loves you.
